Face to Face

Ladies Bible Study

Helpful Teaching

Each week, Pastor Van Gelderen or a guest preacher opens God's Word and presents a practical, challenging Bible study focused specifically on issues women face. You then have opportunity to discuss the study in a small group setting so that you can leave knowing exactly what step you need to take apply what you have learned.

Encouraging Friendships

Do you ever feel like you are all alone in your pursuit of God? You don't have to feel that way. At Face to Face you have the opportunity to build lasting friendships focused on encouraging each other to grow in the Lord. You will find other ladies at your stage of life who are learning how to live life abundantly in the midst of the pressures of life.

Practical Workshops

At Face to Face, you won't just be helped spiritually; you will be helped practically as well. Each week we end our time together with a helpful workshop giving practical tips in areas of health, home management, parenting, cooking, and creative development. You can expect to leave each week with new ideas to make your home a better place to be.

9:15 am - 11:00 am

Every Tuesday

Purposeful childcare is provided each week for children of all ages. As you bring your children, you can expect more than just a good babysitter. We are committed to using this time to help develop your children in areas of music, speech, Bible, and hands-on training. As you are growing, so will your children!

Mrs. Beverly Van Gelderen

Bible Study Hostess

Mrs. Van Gelderen grew up in Atlanta, GA. She graduated college with a degree in Music Education, and was married to Wayne Van Gelderen in 1975. She has counted it a privilege to serve alongside Pastor Van Gelderen in the ministry for over 40 years and plays an integral part in ministering to the ladies of our church.

The Lord has blessed them with six children: Elizabeth, married to Stephen Zempel; Wayne III; Stephen, married to Jill; Anna Grace, married to Donald Overmiller; Daniel, married to Allyssa; and Mary Faith, married to Jesse Williams.


How To Break A Stubborn Habit: The Renewing of Your Mind


How To Break A Stubborn Habit: The Power of the Holy Spirit


How to Break a Stubborn Habit: The Freedom of Living at the Cross


A Woman with a Testimony of Hope